Thursday, January 27, 2005

Winter has finally found us

It has turned rather cold the last couple of days here in Spain. We are having maximum temperatures of 5ºC(41ºF) in the afternoon. That means that the temperature has dropped about 10 degrees in 10 days time.
In the south of Spain it has been snowing in regions where it hadn't been snowing in the last 50 years. And mountain villages have been isolated due to the heavy snowfall. Living at sealevel close to the sea protects us from the snow.

But still I have been arming myself with gloves and a scarf lately.
And then I get these comments from the jokers that are my colleagues: "Aren't you from up North?? You should be accustomed to this cold! But you are dressed warmer than any of us."

The bad thing is that with this cold we are not having any courage to do anything useful after work. So we have been staying at home, watching tv. And that always gets me down a little. After watching 2 hours of tv, I'm already fed up with it and start getting bored.
And I thought Spain was that country where the sun was always shining.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

poor bunnies

Yesterday, I ran across the suicide bunnies on the internet.
They are comics of cute little bunnies that are trying to kill themselves in the most absurd ways.
If you haven't seen them yet, check them out. Some are very funny.
bunnies 1
bunnies 2

I'm not responsible for the storage of the pictures.

Life has surely changed in 20 years

We saw the movie 'Thirteen' this weekend.
Tracy, a thirteen year old girl, desperately seeks the acceptance of Evie, the most popular girl at school. When they become close friends, Tracy discovers a world of alcohol, drugs, sex and petty crime.

The movie is said to be partially autobiographical, and tells the story of Nikki Reed's rebellious life (the actress who plays Evie) as a thirteen year old. Apparently she did have quite a disturbed childhood.
I don't think that the average 13 year old adolescent has to deal with all that happens in this movie. But even if only a part of it occurs, I certainly hope the mother is not as naive as Tracy's mother.

Monday, January 24, 2005

On the parking lot

Mónica got her driving license about 8 years ago. But as she never had her own car and went everywhere by bus, she never drove a car again after getting her license.
Now she doesn't remember anything about driving, and she's afraid to get behind the wheel again.
But as she is looking for a job, her parents and I were thinking that she should get used to driving again.
I told her many times that we could go to a big parking lot on a Sunday morning to practice driving, but she was never very fond of the idea.

When she woke me up yesterday morning, she was already dressed. So I asked her what was going on. And then she said: Well, the weather is very nice, and I was thinking that maybe we could go to that parking lot that you said, so I could practice driving a little.
So I jumped out of bed, got dressed and we got on our way.
I explained her the basic rules, we changed seats, and she started practicing. I decided not to give too many comments, because I knew she was a little nervous.
And in 10 minutes she was driving around the parking lot without any problems.
I thought it was so brave of her, deciding that it was time to do something about it.

Friday, January 21, 2005

I have felt the pain (not for the weak of heart)

It was 1992.
A little bone in my hand had splintered by hitting a hard object.
The operation had been carried out under local anesthesia.
I was lying awake on a hospital bed with my right arm stretched out, while 2 doctors were cutting open my hand and discussing their actions. I was trying to concentrate on the ceiling.
The operation was successful.

Only, a few days later, my hand began to swell, hurt and turn blue.
It seemed that there had been an internal bleeding after they had closed up the wound. They had to open it up again and remove all the blood that couldn't get out.
But as this was just a 5 minute intervention, they were not going to anesthetize my arm for this, if I didn't mind. It was going to hurt, but as a grown man I should be able to handle it.

So I laid down on a bed, they cut open the stitches, and began to push my hand to get all the blood out. Blood and blood clots splattered all over the bed, the doctor and the nurse, while I was trying not to faint.
The windows were opened to let in some fresh air, I was put a wet cloth on my forehead. Two people were pushing my hand to get all the blood clots out.
The wound was being stitched again.
After the operation, my legs trembled non-stop for about 10 minutes, to get all the accumulated stress out of my body.
Then the doctor said: "Now you know the kind of pain a woman feels when having a baby. You did well."
In my imagination, I kicked him in the b...s.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Dream on

I have been living almost one year and two months in Spain now. Before that, I was living alone in an apartment in Belgium for one year.
But lately I have been dreaming almost every night that i'm still living with my parents in their house in Belgium. And it is having dangerous consequences.

The other night, I woke up in the middle of the night after having a dream, and I was convinced that I was lying in my old bed in my parents' house, alone.
A few moments later, Mónica made a sudden move in her sleep. Her movement freaked me out and made me hit her.
At the moment that i was about to hit her, I realized where i was and that it was her, and i managed to control my power. She didn't even notice that i hit her.
If i had not realized in time who she was, I think i would have kicked her out of the bed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What's in a name?

Do you remember that terrible song called Macarena, by those 2 Spanish grandfathers?
I found out the other day that Macarena is actually a Spanish girls' name. I just never listened to what they were singing. You can't blame me for that. And I thought Macarena was the name of the dance.
Imagine the stupid commentaries all the girls named Macarena must have heard after the song became a worldwide hit. Who calls their daughter Macarena anyway?
One of my colleagues' name is Inmaculada (Immaculate). How do you come up with a name like that? It's a good thing that she insists that we call her Inma. (She would kill me if she knew I was writing this)

The Spanish have the strange habit to translate names. Some examples you all know:
The name of the pope in Spain is Juan Pablo II. Christopher Columbus is called Cristóbal Colón.
Prince Charles of England is called Principe Carlos, and his son William goes by the name of Guillermo. Harry, the one who thinks a nazi is the same thing as a clown, is just Harry.
But imagine us watching the news:

I: Who are they talking about?
She: Carlos of England.
I: Carlos? Who the hell is Carlos?
She: The Prince of England, Prince Carlos.
I: Do they have a Prince Carlos in England?? (and then his image is shown)
Ooooooooooooh, CHARLES!!
She: Si, Carlos.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The sea inside

The beautiful and touching Spanish movie 'The sea inside' (in Spain known as 'Mar adentro') has won a golden globe for 'best foreign language film' yesterday.
The movie tells the true story of Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who fought a 30-year campaign to win the right to end his life with dignity, after being completely paralyzed by a diving accident.
Despite his wish to die, Ramón taught everyone he encountered the meaning, value and preciousness of life.
The director of the movie, alejandro amenábar, also directed the movie 'the others' with Nicole Kidman.

The story is still very much alive here in Spain. The woman who helped Ramón to die in 1998 by preparing the cup with cyanide has only this month revealed her identity. Ramóns family accuses her of killing him, the investigation of his death is being opened again and the discussion about euthanasia is very much on-going again.

Friday, January 14, 2005

Asturias, patria querida

When Europeans think of spain, they probably think of: vacation, bullfights, flamenco, sun, paella and the mediterranean cost.
We live in the northwest of Spain, in the principality of Asturias. In a natural paradise that is very different from what Europeans know of Spain.

Asturias is well known for its green landscapes, and just at a few kilometers from high mountain peaks there is the Cantabric coast with the most beautiful beaches and fishing villages.
It is limited by high mountain ranges, Cordillera Cantabrica, where you find some outstanding natural preserves such as Picos de Europa and the national parks of Covadonga and Somiedo.
Major attractions are the Way of Santiago with its numberless monuments and the Ruta de la Plata, "silver route", which both lead through Asturias.
Asturias too is the home of ancient rites and beliefs with celtic influences, and this region's popular customs are among the most interesting of Spain. Artisany and gastronomy are of high reputation, you may try excellent sea-food along the coast and, in the mountains, typical dishes such as Fabada, made of a special sort of beans, blood sausage and various cheese specialities, together with a glass of cider.
Just to let you know.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

You are appreciated here

It's nice to see that the visitorscount of my blog is slowly increasing, even without surfing blogexplosion. People are actually starting to find their way to this blog. And there are people who are actually coming back and are commenting on posts. I appreciate that a lot. Now I only have to start writing some decent posts, or I will bore you girls away.
I even found some links to my blog on other blogs that I didn't know about. Thanks for that. I have to update my links too one of these days. Get rid of that scrolling thing on the right that I liked so much in the beginning, and make me a nice list. Because that scrolling thing doesn't give you the respect that you guys and girls deserve.
(a thought that just crosses my mind: Do girls read more guys' blogs and guys read more girls' blogs?)

Google however keeps ignoring me and my archives. I sometimes check this, using this great link popularity tool. I have tried to submit my site several times to the 'open directory project', a submission that is valued highly by Google bots, but the editors don't seem to be updating regularly, and my blog doesn't seem to be listed yet.

I have been thinking about yesterdays post. I don't want you people to get the wrong idea. Mónica and I have a wonderful relationship and adore each other. And I'm not a bad guy. She would confirm that.
Us living together was not that obvious at the beginning, as we didn't know each other that well personally due to our long-distance relationship.
We saw each other 4 days in 1993, 2 weeks in 1996 and 2 weeks in 2003 before going to live together in December 2003. All the rest was writing, chatting and webcamming.
But we were soulmates since the beginning, and now we can't imagine our lives without each other.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The day after

I've been a bit down lately, tired as well. I keep thinking the doctor should have given me some kind of treatment when he discovered that the ironlevel of my blood was low about a month ago.

Last night, when I got home after work, I went to bed immediately and slept for an hour and a half. I didn't want to get out of bed, because I didn't feel like doing anything. I was bored and irritated by everything, and needed my alone time.
The bad thing is that in moments like this the person closest to you is always the one who has to deal with it. So we ended up fighting by the end of the day. I could see it coming from a mile away.
When I am in this kind of mood, I'm an unfair fighter. My words hit where they can, and nothing seems to bother or hurt me. I get invincible.

It's time to heal the wounds.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

surveillance cameras exposed

Many blogs and message forums are talking about the discovery that some simple Google searches permit access to over 1000 unprotected streaming surveillance cameras around the world, some apparently without their owner's knowledge.

Searching on certain strings within a URL finds networked surveillance cameras that have Web interfaces, permitting their owners to view them remotely, and even direct the cameras' motorized pan-and-tilt mechanisms from the comfort of their own desktop.

You can try the following search strings in Google:

Some people have been creating pages with all the surveillance cams they found like this. Like

Internet Explorer seems to have a problem with opening the links on these pages. But there is a solution. Right-click on the link and choose: “open in new window”. As soon as the new window opens, click the stop button of the internet explorer menubar quickly. Now you see the link in the address bar. Delete everything after the IP address, and press enter.

(found on BoingBoing)

Monday, January 10, 2005

My brand new machine

As I said in my last post, I was looking out for a new computer, because the one I had was getting old and slow and started to show some annoying defects.
I had been comparing prices and technical specifications since a few weeks, to find a computer with the best price/quality ratio. And this weekend I came across a great offer for an even greater computer. An offer I actually couldn't resist.

So now I am the proud owner of a brand new Packard Bell desktop computer, with a Pentium 4 HT processor at 3.2 GHz, 1024 Mb of Ram memory and a hard disk of 200 Gb.
The speed and stability of this machine are amazing, compared to my old one.
Now I only need more time to play with it.

Friday, January 07, 2005

time to clear up the Christmas decorations

We are having some very beautiful weather lately, with temperatures up to 16C and not a single cloud in the sky. So as I expected, many kids were playing in the streets with their new toys yesterday. Especially the radio controlled cars seem to be very popular this year.
The three kings (all named Mónica) brought me this really cool mp3 player. Oh, how I love gadgets.

I watched the three kings procession in Aviles this year. It was not half as spectacular as the one I saw in Asturias's capital Oviedo last year.
And yesterday we visited the Christmas market in Oviedo for the last time. Next week, there will be nothing left of this cozy Christmas atmosphere.

Now that the three kings have brought their presents, it's time for the January discount period. The malls will be so filled with people for the next three weeks, that you would think the shops are giving away everything for free. Especially the women's clothes shops will look like a hurricane has passed through them recently.
I will be comparing prices of computers the next few days. And hopefully I will soon have this brandnew shiny pentium 4 machine at home.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Three Kings

Tomorrow is a very traditional holiday in spain, Three Kings day (los Reyes Magos). It is the day on which the children get presents, delivered by the Three Kings of the East (or so they think). Santa is not very popular in Europe.

Tonight every city in Spain will have a big procession to celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings. Last year I was impressed by the procession, with elefants, camels, sheep, beautiful wagons with hundreds of lights and three beautifully dressed kings and their helpers throwing tons of sweets. The thousands of children in the streets were all singing and cheering.
On the 6th of january, you can see the kids in the streets playing with their brandnew toys.

Today, a special cake, roscon de Reyes, is made and sold all over Spain. It is a ring-shaped pastry, covered in sugar and fruit flavoured jellies.
The cake contains a little plastic figure of a king. Whoever finds the figure is named the new king and will be blessed with good luck for the new year.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Never again

I am bored today. I don't feel like doing much, although I should be working.
But I decided to try to make a '100 things about me' list (Here it is), and it made me remember many funny things about my past.
For example, no. 86: I wash my car not more than twice a year.
I once went to a carwash, and after they were finished cleaning my car and I was ready to leave, the owner of the carwash shouted: See you next year! (and it was April!!)
I was so offended by it, that it ruined my whole day.
I never went back.

Monday, January 03, 2005

And it starts all over again

Back at work, as if nothing happened. Only the calendar has changed, and I've got 23 holidays again to consume over the next 365 days.
New Year's Eve was fun. The food was good, we danced until our feet hurt, and we practiced our favourite sport: observing people (not what you thought, was it?). It's amazing how energetic some older people still are, dancing until 7 o'clock in the morning.
Oh, and I actually managed for the first time to eat the 12 grapes of luck before the clock struck 12 times.

I was lucky on Thursday as well. I got up in the morning to look at the weather and snow report of the San Isidro area, and saw that it was going to be a sunny day and that the ski slopes were in a perfect condition. So I was able to go skiing and had a wonderful day.