Friday, September 30, 2005

About yesterday

Well, the sticky hearts were a success. So were the gifts. And dinner.
When I got home after work, Mónica arrived at exactly the same moment as I did. So she hadn't seen the hearts yet. She had been spending the afternoon with her parents and grandparents.
I tried to act naturally and let her open the door to the apartment. I could see that she knew that something was going to happen. She was stunned when she saw the decoration and read what I had written.

Afterwards, I got her my gifts that I had been storing in the attic. I gave her a watch, a gift voucher from her favourite shop and an aromatic gift set with bath oil, bath salt, lotion and perfume.
Later, I took her to dinner at Delabra. The place was beautiful, the service was excellent, and the food was great. I should take my parents for dinner there when they come to visit me next week.
We had a wonderful evening.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


It's Mónica's birthday today.
I got up early this morning, right after she left for work, and started sticking 180-something post-its to the wall. The ones that come in the shape of a heart (You can click on the pic).

I had never seen those post-its before, but I spotted them in the supermarket the other day and thought it was a nice way to decorate the hallway for her birthday. I try to think of a different decoration for each occasion.
I hope they keep sticking until she gets home this afternoon. The ones on the doors seemed to let loose easily. And I didn't know that post-its don't stick on glass.
Although it seems like an easy job, I was sweating like a pig when I left for work 35 minutes late.
I would love to see her face when she walks in. She is probably expecting something though, because she knows I decorate the place every time.

Tonight we will be going to dinner at Ronaldo's fine restaurant. Yes, the famous soccer player opened an exclusive restaurant in Oviedo a while ago, and we will be checking the place out tonight. I'll let you know how it was.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

On a quest

Sometimes I depress myself.
Like I said, I am looking for a birthday present for Mónica. I went to the shopping mall yesterday after work, while she was taking driving classes. About 2 hours later, I drove home with one stupid little item she once dropped a hint about. But I cant possibly give her only that.
I am terrible at buying gifts. Indecisive. An eternal doubter.
So Ill be off again after work, to continue my quest.

On Saturday, we were invited for dinner at Mónica's aunt and uncle's place. We were both a little nervous, because I hadn't met them yet and Mónica hadn't seen them in years. But they turned out to be the nicest and sweetest people, and we had a great time. Her aunt kept saying what a great looking couple we were, and how beautiful our children are going to be. And we were both so surprised when they suddenly showed up with an early birthday cake for Mónica.

On Sunday afternoon we went to the movies, to see Wes Craven's new thriller, red eye. Afterwards, we drove to Mónica's parents, to watch Fernando Alonso become the new F1 world champion together. The streets in Oviedo, hometown of Alonso, were filled with people celebrating.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Just fooling around

Why isn't it possible to create categories in Blogger?
A few colleagues at work had been creating a blog on myblogsite. So I decided to try it out as well and created another blog for my colleagues to read, posting funny links I come across surfing the web. It's nice to be able to create categories for these kind of posts.
But the bloghost has been giving us nothing but trouble from the start. Now I appreciate Blogger even more. If they could only introduce categories soon. Please?
Oh, here's a google link to that other blog of mine. I won't post a direct link, because I know some colleagues are checking out my stats and I don't want them to find this site again.

And in the meantime, I'm trying to figure out what to buy for Mónica's birthday next week. Suggestions are always welcome. I should think about some decoration for the apartment too.
I will have more time to do some secret shopping, because she is taking driving lessons during the evenings now.
She already has her licence, but she hasn't driven a car in 9 years. So she is taking some classes again, in case a job offer would come up and she would need to drive again.
So, how about some ideas?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The lakes of Covadonga

All spanish cities and villages have their own local holidays. Yesterday was a local holiday of the village that the company that I work for belongs to, so we had a day off.
The good thing about these local holidays is that one can calmly visit the beautiful places that are normally filled with hoards of loud tourists. That's why I decided to drive to Covadonga to visit the famous mountain lakes which I - shame on me - still hadn't seen yet.

All summer it had been forbidden to drive up to the lakes by car to avoid chaos on the small, winding roads.
People had been obliged to leave the car in the village and pay 6 euros for a terrifying bus trip. But that summer arrangement ended this week, so I was lucky and could do the 1200 meter climb by car.

Goats, sheep, horses and cows walk around freely in this natural paradise. It was amusing to have to stop for some crossing horses and cows on the way up.
The lakes have something magical. It feels like you have ended up in a different, peaceful world, and would expect some fairies to show up every moment.
It's a must see for every tourist visiting Asturias.
Click on the picture to see more.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The white lilacs

My grandmother used to sing a song called 'Quand refleuriront les lilas blancs' (When will the white lilacs bloom again, 1929) to my mother when she was a little girl.
When I was a kid, my mother used to sing that song when the white lilacs in the garden started blooming in the springtime.
Thanks to some hilarious recordings by me and my sister of my mother singing this song, we never forgot about it.
And now, even my 2 year old niece starts asking her grandmother (my mother) to sing that song of the 'lilas blancs' again for her.

Unfortunately, my mother didn't remember the words of the song. And the rest of the family has never heard the original song.
But thanks to the internet and certain P2P programs, I managed to find it and I sent it to my father.
He sent me a mail saying: 'Thanks for the song! Your mother is feeling 50 years younger today.'

For all of you: Quand refleuriront les lilas blancs

Monday, September 12, 2005

Why men are happier than women

Our last name stays put.

The garage is all ours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.

We can be President.

We can never be pregnant.

We can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.

We can wear NO shirt to a water park.

Car mechanics tell us the truth.

The world is our urinal.

We never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.

We don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

Same work, more pay.

Wrinkles add character.

Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.

People never stare at our chest when we're talking to them.

The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.

New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle our feet.

One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

We know stuff about tanks.

A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.

We can open all our own jars.

We get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

If someone forgets to invite us, he or she can still be our friend.

Our underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

We almost never have strap problems in public.

We are unable to see wrinkles in our clothes.

Everything on our face stays its original color.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

We only have to shave your face and neck.

We can play with toys all our life.

Our belly usually hides our big hips.

One wallet and one pair of shoes one color for all seasons.

We can wear shorts no matter how our legs look.

We can "do" our nails with a pocket knife.

We have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

We can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

go to main page

Friday, September 09, 2005

It feels like Monday

Yesterday was an Asturian holiday, so we were given a day off.
We had planned on going to a shopping mall in Santander, but in the end - we were already in the car, turning rounds at the roundabout - we changed our mind because we didn't feel like driving that far.
Instead, we ended up at the movies, watching 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith'. We were both disappointed with the second half of the movie, that consisted of nothing else than unbelievable action scenes.

After the movie, we went for a walk at the newly build port in Aviles. This used to be a stinking river until a couple of years ago, but they managed to drain it and create an attractive pier where people come for a walk in the sun.

Today, it feels a little like Monday, but it is already Friday. It is also the start of the San Mateo celebrations in Oviedo, the last festivities of the summer.
If it doesn't start raining by the end of the day, we will go to Oviedo for the free concert of Bebe.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The bull

See that animal on top of this page? The bull is some sort of international symbol for Spain, as a result of the numerous bullfights that are still being held in this country every year.
Just like the famous flamenco dance though, the bullfights are especially a southern Spanish custom. Here in the north, bullfights are held only a few times a year, on special festive occasions.

Osborne, A famous wine brand that has a bull as its logo, has been placing over 90 bulls like the one above on hillsides throughout Spain since the year 1956. If you have ever been to Spain, I'm sure you must have seen one. They are quite photogenic.

I was a little insecure to put the Osborne bull on top of my blog though, because the animal also has a very negative meaning here in Spain.
The bull, or the horned one (el cornudo), is also the symbol for a person who is being cheated on by his or her partner. To put the horns on your partner (ponerle los cuernos a alguien) means cheating on your partner.
But just to make sure that there are no misunderstandings: that is not the reason why that bull is up here.
For me, this animal has always been thé symbol of Spain.

What really happened

As to why I changed the address of my blog:
The site had become so easy to find on Google, that I caught my colleagues at work reading my posts. Since most of the entries on my blog are rather personal and I didn't like the idea of them reading my online diary, I decided to close down the blog and consider my options. The most obvious thing I could do was move to a new address. And so I did.

I didn't register the new address on search engines or directories. This way they won't find this new blog as easy as the old one. This also means that I won't have as many visitors as I used to have. But I think that people finding my blog on strange Google searches are not easily becoming regular readers anyway.

As I was going to move the blog, I thought it was a good idea to change the layout as well. So I deleted my template and started working on a new one. I was a little afraid that I wasn't going to remember how to program in HTML (I hadn't done it in a long time), but it turned out pretty good. That's why I'm a little proud about this new layout: I created it without any help and with my own inspiration.
And I'm quite pleased with the result.

Family visit

My sis and her family visiting us in Gijon

Monday, September 05, 2005

A new address, a new design

Hi, apparently you have found your way to my new site address. Welcome.
How do you like my new blog layout? I'm still working on some changes though.
If you should encounter a problem with the new layout, please let me know.
It seems my links have accidentally been deleted, but they will be up again soon.
Please update your bookmarks and links to my site.
As of tomorrow, everything will be back to normal.