Friday, July 29, 2005

A holiday, at last

Two weeks since my last post. That must have been the longest absence since I started this blog.
What have I been up to? Nothing, really. I have been working mostly, counting the days until today. I have been a bit down lately, that's what more than 3 months of working without a single day off do to me.
I didn't feel like doing anything the last two weeks. So I didn't have anything to write about either. And I was a little bored of writing those posts about what we had been doing in the weekend. Not that we have been doing anything special in the last two weeks, anyway.

But today, in less than 2 hours, my holiday officially starts. It will be only for a week, but you can't imagine how much I need to get away from the routine for a little while.
As some of you already know, we can't go on a holiday this year because of Monica's work. But I'm still going to try to enjoy these couple of days off, even if I have a big list of things that have to be done. At least I'm going to have the time to do them. And maybe these days will give me some inspiration to write some nice posts again.
So I'm going to hurry to finish the work that I still have to do today, and then I'm out of here! I suggest you do the same.

Friday, July 15, 2005


I don't like rumours. I don't believe in them. I'm a scientific kind of guy. I need facts. Proof.

A rumour had been spreading around the office. A good rumour. So people started speculating if it would be true what they were saying, talking about how great it would be if the rumour would be true. They started dreaming, believing that it was going to be true. Everybody was talking about it.

For two weeks I kept telling some of my colleagues not to get their hopes up. To wait for an official statement before getting euphoric. That they were going to be disappointed if it didn't turn out the way they were hoping. I even mentioned reasons why the rumour maybe would not be true.
They told me that I had to think positive. The official statement would come anyday now.

Today we had an official statement. It seemed the rumour was only partly true.
The ones who had been speculating for weeks are very disappointed.
And me, I'm feeling great, because I wasn't expecting anything at all.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I was ready to leave the apartment to go to work this morning, when I walked past the fishtank in the kitchen and noticed how dirty the water was. I took a look at the clock on the wall, saw I was earlier than I usually am, and thought: what the heck. So I started refreshing part of the water of the tank, to make sure our fish would still be alive by tonight.
Ten minutes later - I really had to get going now - I looked at the water and it seemed even filthier than before. But it was all I could do for the moment.

I grabbed all my stuff, closed the door behind me and got into the elevator. I pushed the button to get to the garage, the elevator door closed and I greeted myself in the mirror like I do every morning. Yes, I'm nice to myself.

Why didn't the elevator start moving? And why was the door making that strange sound? I pushed the button again, waited for a few more seconds, held my breath and listened closely. A few moments later the feeling hit me. That one second of panic on the moment that you realize that you are stuck.
I decided to stay calm and think rationally. I tried pushing the button for opening the door, without any luck. I tried pushing the button of the floor I was on, but still nothing happened.

I checked my mobile phone, but it didn't have any signal of course. Who was I going to call anyway? Mónica was at work already, and her parents who live nearby surely weren't awake yet.
Should I push the alarm button? There probably wouldn't be a lot of people at home, and the ones that were at home were probably still sleeping.
But who hasn't been tempted to push the alarm button in an elevator, and now I had a real reason to do so.
So I pushed the button, and the alarm started making a hell of a noise. Cool. Come on, wake up and get me out of here, you sleepy heads!

About a few minutes later, I suddenly heard someone shouting: 'Cut it out! We heard you already!'. I had to suppress a smile.
I could hear some people talking below and all of a sudden the elevator started moving. What a relief!
The elevator stopped in the hall, the door opened, and there was a woman with a 1 year old kid on her arm, who was laughing at me as if he was making fun of me. They had just arrived, and had heard the noise I was making. Aparently it had happened before, and there seems to be a problem with the elevator door.
I think I'm going to use the stairs for a while.

Monday, July 11, 2005

In need of a break

As I mentioned in the shoutbox, I was a little busy at work last week. Therefore I wasn't able to update much. Not that I had that much to tell anyway. You could say that I was struggling with a little bloggers block.
I could really use a little holiday now to get away from the routine that's called work. But I still have to wait until the first week of August to get my week off. And as you already know, it won't be a real holiday, because Mónica will have to work.
But I will have a little more time for myself, and maybe I will be able to visit some of the places that I still want to check out, make some nice pictures, try out some of the new computer games I installed lately, or even have some time to start playing the guitar again. These are all things on my 'to do list' that I am looking forward too.

If you need a break too, you can play with me. Yes, it's me.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Major links

I updated my other blog with some of the greatest links I found on the internet this month.
Check it out.

Monday, July 04, 2005


I'm a nostalgic kind of guy. I don't like relationships or friendships to have an abrupt ending, never again hearing anything from a person that maybe used to be my friend for years.
But these things happen in life. Friendships end, relationships get broken, people go their own way.

I went my own way as well, moving to a different country, following my dream.
Sometimes it's weird to live in an environment where I never ever see a familiar face or a person that I used to know during the first 30 years of my life. Everybody is new to me!
I don't ever bump into someone familiar on my way home, catching up on this person's life. Sometimes I think I recognize a face in the crowd, quickly realizing that it can never be the person who I think it is, but only someone who looks like him or her.

Every now and then when I'm bored, I Google up names of people that have played a part in my former life: old schoolmates, friends, acquaintances, familiar faces, former girlfriends. And if I'm lucky, I just might get a glimpse of this person's life: what they do, where they live, if they have gotten married, if they have got kids.

And then all of a sudden, I open my mailbox in the morning and I find a mail from a good friend I had years ago, checking if this is still my e-mail, asking me how I've been, and this person just makes my day.