Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The place where you live can change your status completely.
Last year I moved from Belgium to Spain (If you had read my profile you would have known that already!).
When I was still living in Belgium, I couldn't find a job. I was without a job for more then a year, and if I had still been living there now, I probably would have been without a job still.
I was a computer programmer like so many, without that extra knowledge or experience to stand out from the rest of them.
I had 2 college degrees in engineering, but that was of no importance in the computer business. I spoke four languages, but in Belgium that is common knowledge. We need experts, not the average programmer. Next!

Then I decided to move to Spain. So the first thing to do was to look for a job there, obviously. In less then 3 weeks time I was offered a job. They asked me how much I wanted to earn, and they gave me some more than I had asked for.
I have been living here for almost a year now, and the people give me respect. I speak a fifth language now (Spanish that is), and in Spain speaking 5 languages is like being supernatural. The 2 college degrees in engineering only seem to confirm that to them.
My boss once said to me: what are you, an infiltrant from the CIA?
To the recruiters here, I am a completely different person than the person that I was to the Belgian recruiters.
That feeling of getting respect helps to build your self confidence and your self esteem, I can tell you that. But I still know that back there in Belgium, I am just like all the rest of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find your experience very interesting, because I am an American who moved to France (Paris) to look for a job and I definitely have not had a very easy time.

While I went to one of the top business schools in the United States, I find that it does not give me any advantage here. The French seem to favor their own education system over all others.

The only companies that have any interest in me are the very large, international companies. It does not help that the laws here are very strict and therefore, it makes it extremely difficult for a company to fire someone, which in turn, makes it a very slow process when they are thinking about hiring someone.
