Tuesday, March 15, 2005

El botellón

If you have ever been to Spain, you have probably seen them: the groups of friends that flock together in parks or around a car on a parking lot on Saturday nights, bringing plastic bags filled with bottles of liquor. It seems to be a typically Spanish phenomenon, and they call it 'el botellón'.

It's a way to relax, meet people and be able to talk without being bothered by the crowd or noise in a bar. But the most important reason for the success of the 'botellón', is that it is simply a cheap way to get drunk.
Spaniards are used to consume long drinks when going out in the weekend (not like the Belgians who almost solely drink beer on a night out). Therefore, having more than 2 drinks in a bar could lead to a very expensive night for Spanish youngsters.

The 'botellón' however leads in many occasions to complaints about noise, alcohol and drug abuse, and vandalism. That's why many Spanish cities are creating laws to prohibit drinking in the streets.
The government's hope is to reduce alcohol misuse among Spanish young people and to stamp out 'el botellón'.
I think I'm going to have to teach them how to drink beer.


amiethinggoes said...

drink moderately chris

Dioniso said...

Me? I always drink moderately. I haven't had more than 2 drinks in months, many months. I think I don't drink enough, actually.