Monday, July 11, 2005

In need of a break

As I mentioned in the shoutbox, I was a little busy at work last week. Therefore I wasn't able to update much. Not that I had that much to tell anyway. You could say that I was struggling with a little bloggers block.
I could really use a little holiday now to get away from the routine that's called work. But I still have to wait until the first week of August to get my week off. And as you already know, it won't be a real holiday, because Mónica will have to work.
But I will have a little more time for myself, and maybe I will be able to visit some of the places that I still want to check out, make some nice pictures, try out some of the new computer games I installed lately, or even have some time to start playing the guitar again. These are all things on my 'to do list' that I am looking forward too.

If you need a break too, you can play with me. Yes, it's me.


amiethinggoes said...

well i dunk you the first time. i got bulls eye! how fun that would be if it was for real. :p

Anonymous said...

Hahaha same here, I dunked you and you were still smiling lol
Our vacation time starts next week. joeehoee