Monday, October 17, 2005

The Matrix

Proof that I am living in a virtual, controlled world:

- All the wishes that I did on the falling stars of the Perseid meteor showers that reoccur every year in August, have come true.

- I finished two college degrees successfully, despite the fact that I was partying all the time, and only started studying and copying notes two weeks before the exams started.

- I was offered a job in Spain after one 10 minute job interview on the phone, only 6 kilometers from the city where Mónica was living. Spain is BIG. I had been looking for a job in Spain for less than 2 weeks. I was still living in Belgium.

- I went to Spanish classes twice a week for only 3 months before I moved to Spain. I started working in a team of Spanish people and the language was never a problem for me. Now I speak Spanish fluently.

- Mónica and I moved in together, after only meeting each other 5 times in 10 years, on holidays that lasted less than two weeks. We are having a great relationship.

Does your life sometimes seem strange to you?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad life goes so well for you.
GOsh, I have so much catching up to do, seems I haven't been around for ages. DId you get the 'achter het lijmfabrik' lyrics I sent about a week ago?

dorien said...

Ik denk dat je het levende bewijs bent dat niets toevallig gebeurt. Wat goed voelt, voelt goed. En als je er dan voor gaat, wordt het alleen nog maar mooier. Of zoiets. En wat is dat toch maar allemaal met die lijmfabriek?

Anonymous said...

That sounds wonderful... I sometimes feel the same way about my life too.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a hell of a lucky guy to me!

Anonymous said...

How can you believe that there isn't somthing out there controlling our destinies? In response to you comment on my post I do resepct your beliefs in the science vs God debate. And I'm not saying that I don't sometimes question what I've been brought up to believe. But then I read your post and I thought how serendipitous it all was. There has to be something more out there. At least in my opinion.

I do have to admit that you have been pretty lucky. Leaving everything behind to move to Spain is no small feat.

Thanks for visiting my blog. Your comments are always welcome. :)

Dioniso said...

@Tine, thanks for the mail about 't lijmfabriek'. Yes, I got it.

@Do, het lijmfabriek is een hasselts liedje. Was jij niet van hasselt??

@GFF, I guess you do, now even more with the baby on the way.

@Lien, I do, don't I? I hope your luck will start kicking in soon, and you can still get to Spain for a while.

@Kate, maybe my opinion was completely wrong, and everything is controlled after all. That would explain a lot of things to me. But does that mean that we are just puppets on a string then?

amiethinggoes said...

yap it seems that luck has been on your side.

dorien said...

ik ben een ingeweken Hasselaar. Les excuses sont faits pour s'en servir ;-)