Tuesday, October 26, 2004

We bought 2 goldfish yesterday. You see, Mónica never had a pet, until a few months ago we won a goldfish on the fair. She was all excited about having a pet for the first time in her life. 2 weeks later however, the fish died in misterious circumstances. I think it must have been sick already when we got it. It stopped eating, and started losing all of his scales.
After the fish incident, we were going on holidays, so we decided to wait until after the holidays before buying a new fish. So yesterday we finally bought our 2 new pets. We bought a small 10 liter fishtank, because I read that the fish go crazy in a bowl, and a waterfilter because the water pollutes very fast without it. And because 1 small fish looked a bit ridiculous in a 10 liter tank, we bought 2.

But actually, we both would like to have a small dog. When I was living with my parents, we always had dogs. But now that Mónica and I are living in an apartment, it's a little more dificult to keep a dog. Also, if Mónica would find a job, the dog would be home alone all day. And that's no way to keep a dog.

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