Tuesday, September 27, 2005

On a quest

Sometimes I depress myself.
Like I said, I am looking for a birthday present for Mónica. I went to the shopping mall yesterday after work, while she was taking driving classes. About 2 hours later, I drove home with one stupid little item she once dropped a hint about. But I cant possibly give her only that.
I am terrible at buying gifts. Indecisive. An eternal doubter.
So Ill be off again after work, to continue my quest.

On Saturday, we were invited for dinner at Mónica's aunt and uncle's place. We were both a little nervous, because I hadn't met them yet and Mónica hadn't seen them in years. But they turned out to be the nicest and sweetest people, and we had a great time. Her aunt kept saying what a great looking couple we were, and how beautiful our children are going to be. And we were both so surprised when they suddenly showed up with an early birthday cake for Mónica.

On Sunday afternoon we went to the movies, to see Wes Craven's new thriller, red eye. Afterwards, we drove to Mónica's parents, to watch Fernando Alonso become the new F1 world champion together. The streets in Oviedo, hometown of Alonso, were filled with people celebrating.


amiethinggoes said...

hi chris! how about a brand new car! ha ha ha. seriously though if she likes jewelry how about giving her a white gold anklet? (of course i was thinking about what i like since the chain in my anklet got broken); or a portrait/drawing of her?; or a treat to a spa together? or an i pod (i was thinking everybody likes to have one)? or a dinner on a roof top of a building with violinist playing in the background.
personally though the gift that i would like to receive from my boyfriend is something he really thought over. something that he really put effort into because that means that he's really thinking what would make me happy.was i able to help or did i muddle your brain? :p

dorien said...

Ik geef Amie helemaal gelijk: iets waar je duidelijk moeite in hebt gestoken. Maar vermits je al dagen je kop over een cadeatuje aant breken bent, krijg je daarvoor al een 10 op 10.
Ik vind een romantisch etentje ook altijd leuk, of een sauna, massage,... Of een fotoboek, vol mooie herinneringen. Is niet zo makkelijk, maar je komt er wel uit, denk ik :-)
Good luck with the quest.

Anonymous said...

I zou gaan voor iets romatisch. Een lekker etentje bij kaarslicht, of een picnic (jullie hebben nog mooi weer neem ik aan) of ergens een verrassings nachtje weg. Eddy heeft me twee jaar geleden verrast met een weekendje Etretat en dat vond ik het einde! De foto's houden die herinnering zo levendig.
Wat dan ook, ik ben zeker dat je wel iets zal vinden maar ik ken je gevoel, ik ben ook zo een eeuwige twijfelaar ;-)

Dioniso said...

Thank you very much for the ideas, girls! You have been a great help.