Friday, March 04, 2005

More trouble

On Tuesday morning the mechanic came to fix the heating.
On Tuesday night, when I was cooking dinner (I love cooking), the boiler of the central heating suddenly started making a hell of a noise, like if some animal was trapped inside of it, trying to get out. After the noise stopped, the boiler was dead again.
We had already been heating the house enough to be able to spend the night without freezing to death, but on Wednesday the mechanic didn't show up yet. Even some angry phone calls didn't do the trick.
So on Wednesday night we went to spend the night again at Mónica's parents.
Yesterday the heating got fixed again, and until now it still seems to be working. Let's hope it won't break down again, and definitely not in the weekend.

Today we got some troubling news at work. It seems that some high chiefs in the United States have decided to not longer assign us the kind of programming jobs that we have been doing up till now. Apparently, the Indian teams are less expensive than we are, so all the future jobs will be assigned to India.
The future of our team seems a little insecure at the moment. Let's hope they will find another project for us.


amiethinggoes said...

sorry to hear about the situation in your company. yes it seems the IT in India is in boom now.

Anonymous said...

Ik kan me voorstellen dat dit bange tijden voor je zijn.

JaG said...

I'm just glad the thing didn't blow up!! That would have been my fear if I heard a noise coming from it.

Do hope your company finds you some more nice work.

Dioniso said...

Thank you, girlies.
Nice to see JAG here, too.