Thursday, May 12, 2005

Damn polen

It's another one of those days when my hayfever is slowly driving me mad.
Yes, I'm one of those poor people who pass half the summer sneezing just because the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming.
Today my nose hasn't stopped running all day, I have been sneezing at least a thousand times and my eyes are swollen, red and prickly.
It makes me want to scream and kick, but I realize that that won't help.
The 3 packages of kleenex I had in my drawer were already empty around noon, so I have to get me a supply of that rough, industrial toilet paper every half hour, that makes me look like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

Of course I have a medicine to take, some tablets called Zyrtec, but on days like these even those don't seem to help a lot. And as if sneezing a thousand times isn't tiring enough, these tablets are also sleep inducing. So by the time I'll get home, I will probably be exhausted.

It all started when I was about 16 years old, and since then it has been bothering me every year.
Tests concluded that I'm especially allergic to the polen of birch trees and grasses. And back when I used to smoke, the effect was even worse. I remember studying with tissues stuffed in my nostrils, so I wouldn't have to bother blowing my nose for 2 minutes.
Well, I'm off to get me some more of that terrible sandpaper they call toilet paper.
I'm counting the minutes until I can go home.


Anonymous said...

Did you try those nosecaps?

amiethinggoes said...

awww that sucks!of all the things to have an allergy on it had to be that! flowers are everywhere! anyways i hope you'll feel better...sometime...soon...when all the flowers are gone... :)

Unknown said...

that's horrible! Hayfever is the worst. It totally ruins the whole day. Maybe it wouldn't look great, but you could work with the industrial tp in your nose :)

GypsyChique said...

Alleriges suck. I have them, too. I love flowers, but I hate pollen. I am forever accepting dandilions from my daughter and then spending the next ten minutes trying to gently discard them without her noticing. Claritin and Benadryl make life barable for me, though. It beats getting shots!