Friday, May 20, 2005

I see wild animals, running around like domestic animals

So I'm driving towards the exit of the company last night after work (we are located in an enormous valley), when I take a look in my rear view mirror and suddenly see 4 wild boars(wild pig, see picture) crossing the street!
I thought I was hallucinating, so I stopped the car, looked back and saw 2 full-grown wild boars and 2 little ones running across the street. I never have my camera ready when I need it!

So I thought that nobody was going to believe me when I told my colleagues this morning about what I had seen. But they just said: "Ah, yes. They are always around here. I've seen them several times already."
As if we are talking about the cats of the neighbours.


Dainty Fairy said...

I've never even hear of a wild boar.. do you mean bear? *confused*

Why does it say hello to the people visiting from Nottingham? Who do you know that's from Nottingham like how do you find people from there?! I'm from there lol.

amiethinggoes said...

boar is wild pig, right? aren't they dangerous?

hey chris they still get confuse over your upper left corner greetings :)

Dioniso said...

So isn't the name of the animal in the picture a wild boar? What's it called then: wild pig?
I just looked for it in the dictionary and came up with this word, but I must admit that it did sound a little strange to me.

Dainty fairy, whenever you open my website, this little script on the site looks at the ip address of your computer. From your ip address it can know quite accurately where you are located. The city where your computer is located is displayed on the website. So if you would go on a holiday to Brussels and would look at my site there on a local computer, it would say: Hello to the people visiting this site from Brussels, Belgium.
But don't worry, I have to explain this at least once a week to someone.
You can find the script here:

Dioniso said...

Amie, I'm pretty sure they are dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Hola! Me llama Mrs. Mogul. Estudio la espanol para quatro anos. If I saw them I would freak!!

Dainty Fairy said...

Ahh right lol. Sorry I thought it was a bit strange lol! That's very cool though :) and yes I think they are called wild pigs, at least that's what the picture looks like. Scary!!