Thursday, August 11, 2005


Since we are going on a weekend trip to A Coruña and my car was in need of a revision, I decided to drive to the only Toyota dealer in Asturias, only to find out that it was closed.
No sign on the door, no message on the answering machine. They are probably taking a vacation, but to me it would only be normal that they would put a sign on the door to let clients know when they will be open again.
But since Toyotas never break down, they probably thought: Nobody is going to miss us.

So I went to a local 'Feu Vert' station. How strange that they are called Feu Vert here in Spain, by the way. Spanish people must have no idea what it means.
Anyway, they changed the oil and filter and threw in a free revision of 15 of the most important points of the car.
So now I know that I have to get the left 'guardapolvo palier' changed, but I haven't got a clue what it is! It seemed pretty complicated to explain.

Well, he is getting a little old, my four-wheeled friend. I have no problem admitting that I drive an almost twelve year old Toyota Corolla, although I do know people that wouldn't want to be seen in my car. But as long as he doesn't let me down, I'm not getting another one.
To me, a car is just a transport medium to get from point A to point B without any problems. And until now, my car has never let me down. Knock on wood.


Anonymous said...

Hah, "luz (or "semáforo"?)verde" would sound kinda weird. ;p

Guardapolvos? Something that keeps dust? A dustfilter? I have no idea, I don't know anything about cars :-/

Dioniso said...

I found it!
Es un fuelle de goma, relleno de grasa que protege a la union del buje con el palier.. y cuando se rompen.. que se rompen.. sueltan toda la grasa, que se suele quedar en el interior de la llanta y por el amortiguador, incluso a veces manchan los discos, provocando irregularidades en la frenada.

dorien said...

haha, ook zo'n oud autoo'tje! De mijne doet nog beter: een 13 jaar oude Fiesta, maar wel pas gekeurd voor weer een jaartje fun! En idd: zo lang mijn autoo'tje blijft rijden, blijf ik hem trouw ;-) Ik duim ervoor dat jouw Toyota het dus minstens even lang uithoudt.

Al naar Q Music geluisterd? Op de markt is uiteindelijk 12.000 man komen opdagen, meteen het grootste feest ooit in Sint-Truiden. Populair dus, ja!

Dioniso said...

Do, Ik heb gehoord dat zelfs mijn 2 ouder zussen naar St-Truiden getrokken zijn toen ze hoorden dat hun jeugdidolen van Spandau Ballet kwamen.

amiethinggoes said...

not back yet?

dorien said...

helemaal uit Antwerpen dan?

Sydney said...

Good luck with the car. I hope its still running well. Including the guardopolvo palier, WHATEVER that is.

Zeppellina said...

A to B sounds good, if it has always got you there, then it is truely an old friend!
Take care, be well!