Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Trying not to bend my arms

I've got sore arms. I can't even fully stretch or bend them.
Yesterday I was surprised that they didn't hurt much. But today it has gotten worse. You should see me try to have a drink or even brush my teeth without having to bend my arms. Nearly every basic action involves having to bend your arms! Now I realise that.

Wanna know what happened? Well, until monday evening I wasn't aware that there was a gym at the sports center next to our apartment building. I thought it was just a municipal swimming pool and athletics track. But then I heard about the gym, and I had to go and check it out immediately.

You see, I used to work out regularly when I was still living in Belgium. But since I moved to Spain, I haven't been very active at all, and I noticed recently that my body has started to change. So I decided that I have to do something about it. Luckily I have a mesomorphic body type and I grow muscle very fast.

So I started working out at the gym on monday evening, trying to keep in mind that I had to take it easy, being the first time and all. But apparently, I did overdo it just a little. Well, no pain, no gain!
So I'll just try to avoid any movements that involve bending arms for a while, and I think I'll be fine.


JaG said...

OUCH! That doesn't sound pleasant at all! Try to get your wife to feed you and stuff! Now seems the perfect time!! ;-)

amiethinggoes said...

poor chris! but if you stop the work out, it'll hurt again the next time. ei get well!