Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The white lilacs

My grandmother used to sing a song called 'Quand refleuriront les lilas blancs' (When will the white lilacs bloom again, 1929) to my mother when she was a little girl.
When I was a kid, my mother used to sing that song when the white lilacs in the garden started blooming in the springtime.
Thanks to some hilarious recordings by me and my sister of my mother singing this song, we never forgot about it.
And now, even my 2 year old niece starts asking her grandmother (my mother) to sing that song of the 'lilas blancs' again for her.

Unfortunately, my mother didn't remember the words of the song. And the rest of the family has never heard the original song.
But thanks to the internet and certain P2P programs, I managed to find it and I sent it to my father.
He sent me a mail saying: 'Thanks for the song! Your mother is feeling 50 years younger today.'

For all of you: Quand refleuriront les lilas blancs


amiethinggoes said...

maybe you should post the song with your voice in it. well just a thought :p

Dioniso said...

Lol! I don't think so, Amie.
Although it is possible that there will be a musical post soon.
Mónica and I have been recording some duets lately. Who knows. ;-)
Or I might sing happy birthday for your blog!

Dioniso said...

This post was mainly to try out that nice little player that I found to put on my blog, by the way.
And the last post was mainly to try out that 'continue reading' button.
I like trying out new things. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Aw that's so wonderful to hear that song, I remember my grandfather loved this song too. Very touching story, brings tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing Chris!

amiethinggoes said...

ok will be waiting for that duet or whatever u can sing...anything really... :)
and i sort of like these new things you're trying out