Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The day after

I've been a bit down lately, tired as well. I keep thinking the doctor should have given me some kind of treatment when he discovered that the ironlevel of my blood was low about a month ago.

Last night, when I got home after work, I went to bed immediately and slept for an hour and a half. I didn't want to get out of bed, because I didn't feel like doing anything. I was bored and irritated by everything, and needed my alone time.
The bad thing is that in moments like this the person closest to you is always the one who has to deal with it. So we ended up fighting by the end of the day. I could see it coming from a mile away.
When I am in this kind of mood, I'm an unfair fighter. My words hit where they can, and nothing seems to bother or hurt me. I get invincible.

It's time to heal the wounds.


Suzanne said...

feel better...and fight fair! Say your sorry and give lots of hugs. hugs work miracles.

amiethinggoes said...

hey...i'm mad at you for monica! don't be like that. but i do hope you feel better soon! maybe u should go to another doctor? and if you have a low iron level you should maybe take a suppliment (of course i'm not a doctor so it's just my own opinion). cheer up! cheer up! do something you really like even if it's crazy, to lift up your mood!

Dioniso said...

Thanks, girls. Don't worry, we straightened everything out, kissed and made up and were the same lovebirds as ever. And by the way, I'm not always the bad guy. In fact, I had a good point this time.
A fight now and then is healthy in a relationship. After making up, you feel more united.
Yes, Amie, I'm going to find me a supplement to raise my iron level. I was already taking vitamins, but I saw they don't contain any iron.

Anonymous said...

I had a few bad days and had a fight with my husband. Just relax, I think it's normal to react that way now and than. I bet Monica has her bad days also :)

Hope you feel better soon.