Friday, February 18, 2005

The European Constitution

Spanish voters are preparing to go to the polls for the EU's first referendum on the European Constitution - an event that will kick off a tough 18-month ratification battle with nine countries expected to follow in Spain's footsteps.

With polls showing around 80 percent of Spaniards in favour of the Constitution, the government's biggest fear is that the turnout on Sunday (20 February) will be embarrassingly low.

A very low turnout would be a blow to Socialist Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and could prompt calls for a re-run.

But it will not be for want of trying on Madrid's part. It has showered the population with copies of the 465-article document, had Big Brother contestants discussing it and handed out a 'referendum' drink.

The government has also been telling Spain how much it has benefited from Europe via the millions of euro it has obtained in regional aid handouts.


I'm very curious about what is going to happen on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!

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