Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Let's talk about sex

I had been reading a lot on the internet about the latest Sensoa campaign in Belgium.
Sensoa is the Flemish center for sexual health and HIV.
Every couple of years they launch a new 'talk about sex' campaign. The idea behind it is that there is not enough communication about sex between partners: communication about birth control, personal wishes and personal borders. This leads to sexual abuse and unwanted pregnancies.
'Talk about sex, because good communication makes good sex', is their motto.
So Sensoa launches campaigns that are explicit enough so that people WILL talk about them.
They create posters and publish advertisements in magazines and on television.
I hadn't seen this years' advertisements yet, but I had read that they had created quite a political discussion in Belgium. Now that I have seen them, I can understand why.

(be careful, they are not really safe for work)
tv ad

I don't think the advertisements should be this explicit to be effective.
I can't imagine advertisements like this in American magazines. Or how about a Sensoa Superbowl ad?


total said...

I agree that they don't need to be that explicit.

But they sure are fun to look at.

amiethinggoes said...

whoa! wow! and those are for ads?! yeah i totally aggree with you they are much too explicit!