Monday, March 14, 2005

Spring is in the air

The weather is finally getting better! Now the billboards of the 'El Corte Ingles' shopping malls are starting to make sense: "Ya es primavera!" (it's springtime already)
By the end of the week the temperature will rise up to 22C/72F.
It's incredible how a little sunshine can change a person's mood.

A short update on the case of the red box:
The television comercial turned out to be a company's introductional video.
Mónica had great fun recording the video, although she ended up with a bad cold.
She had to do more than just hand a red box to another person, the red box being some sort of symbolic thing by the way.
And apparently she will get paid for it.
So it was a positive experience. She was all excited when she got home.


Anonymous said...

Great news to hear that she get paid for it. Sorry to hear that she has a cold, hope she feels better soon.
BTW,feel free to visit us if you are in the neighborhood next month but I think you will be very busy visiting your family and friends. Enjoy the trip :)

amiethinggoes said...

that is so cool, i'm glad for monica!

22C is already considered here as being a bit cold especially during summer when the temp is ranging from 30 to 34C

Dioniso said...

Thanks Tine! Who knows, Maybe we'll drop by in Kuringen.

Oh Amie, I so envy your weather. I really can't stand the cold. I already considered moving to the Spanish Canary Islands, but I think I would eventually feel claustrophobic on a small island.
But my situation got much better already. Belgium was much colder than Spain. And it's finally getting a little warmer.