Thursday, April 28, 2005

We're home again!

Hello again.
We're back home, in Spain. We arrived on Tuesday evening after a very long and tiring trip: an hour and a half to get to the airport in Belgium, 2 hours on the plane, and 3 hours by car again to get home.
It was a good idea to take an extra day off yesterday to rest a little. But today I'm back at work.

Our trip to Belgium was great. The weather got better the day after we arrived, and we had sun and temperatures above 20ºC/68F almost every day.
Our family and friends were all fine, and it was great to see them again after 6 months.
My 2 year old niece Morgane was the star of the week. We had a blast with her. She's absolutely adorable.
My friends all came together for a nice dinner on Saturday night, and after dinner we went out like old times. The biggest news was that my friends Tom and Louisa are expecting a baby.
We visited Brussels together with my parents. But they don't have enough patience for these kind of trips. We saw all of Brussels in about 3 hours. After the trip it felt like we had seen nothing at all.
The communion party of my nephew was fine, but spending five hours eating gets a little boring. They should have organised it a little differently.
Of course we spent a day shopping as well and we even went to club Versuz on Thursday night.
So you can understand that those five days flew by extremely fast, and that we had to plan and calculate to be able to do everything we wanted to do.
But now it's back to reality. Even Mónica is having her first day at her new job today. I'm already curious to know how that worked out.

More pics here


amiethinggoes said...

hey welcome back chris! great batch of pix. i like the one with the store -a store of full of chocolates!

Anonymous said...

A few years back I went with my parents to blankenberge, after one hour my dad said, ok we've seen it all, it's time to take the next train home!