Thursday, January 13, 2005

You are appreciated here

It's nice to see that the visitorscount of my blog is slowly increasing, even without surfing blogexplosion. People are actually starting to find their way to this blog. And there are people who are actually coming back and are commenting on posts. I appreciate that a lot. Now I only have to start writing some decent posts, or I will bore you girls away.
I even found some links to my blog on other blogs that I didn't know about. Thanks for that. I have to update my links too one of these days. Get rid of that scrolling thing on the right that I liked so much in the beginning, and make me a nice list. Because that scrolling thing doesn't give you the respect that you guys and girls deserve.
(a thought that just crosses my mind: Do girls read more guys' blogs and guys read more girls' blogs?)

Google however keeps ignoring me and my archives. I sometimes check this, using this great link popularity tool. I have tried to submit my site several times to the 'open directory project', a submission that is valued highly by Google bots, but the editors don't seem to be updating regularly, and my blog doesn't seem to be listed yet.

I have been thinking about yesterdays post. I don't want you people to get the wrong idea. Mónica and I have a wonderful relationship and adore each other. And I'm not a bad guy. She would confirm that.
Us living together was not that obvious at the beginning, as we didn't know each other that well personally due to our long-distance relationship.
We saw each other 4 days in 1993, 2 weeks in 1996 and 2 weeks in 2003 before going to live together in December 2003. All the rest was writing, chatting and webcamming.
But we were soulmates since the beginning, and now we can't imagine our lives without each other.


Dioniso said...

I already created a new link list.
Much better than that scrolling thing from before.

Unknown said...

i really enjoy reading your blog. it's very inspiring. you and monica sound so youthful, happy and in love. congratulations on following your heart and finding your soulmate. :)

Dioniso said...

Thank you very much, Mamazilla. And I think that's exactly what we are: youthful, happy and in love. We have so much fun together, and it starts already first thing in the morning.
For example, when we go out on a saturday night, we have much more fun when it's just the 2 of us than when there are other people joining us. That way we can just be ourselves and have fun.

Anonymous said...

It's so great to see people that are in love, happy and sing well together! Wish you join that last part with us ;-P

o said...

Everyone knows that you and Monica are happy in love...the day to day stresses and aggravation affect all couples. You recognized it and that says a lot...

amiethinggoes said...

'fcourse i know that. i even envy what you and monica have. yap definetely soulmates