Friday, February 11, 2005

Let's all comment

I just noticed that Blogger has changed the commenting system!
That is good news. And now you don't have any excuse to not leave a comment!
We decided to accept my colleagues invitation for tonight. So we will go have dinner at his place. The last time we went, there were too many people. Therefore there was too much noise (The Spanish talk loud!), and when they were talking on the other end of the table, we couldn't understand a word they were saying.
I heard tonight there will only be 7 invitees. So we will probably be able to understand all the conversations.
It's Mexican night tonight, by the way. Complete with Margaritas and Tequila.

Last night I went to buy Mónica her favourite perfume before going home. We had decided not to buy anything for Valentine's day this year. The poor girl being broke has got everything to do with that decision.
But as I knew she wanted the perfume and couldn't afford it at the moment, I decided to buy it for her anyway. And as it wasn't even Valentine's day yesterday, the surprise was even bigger.

Now all try that new commenting system! Have a great weekend!


amiethinggoes said...

aw that was real sweet chris!

Dioniso said...

Thanks Flip. Hope you are feeling better.

Thanks Amie. I try. ;-)