Monday, January 03, 2005

And it starts all over again

Back at work, as if nothing happened. Only the calendar has changed, and I've got 23 holidays again to consume over the next 365 days.
New Year's Eve was fun. The food was good, we danced until our feet hurt, and we practiced our favourite sport: observing people (not what you thought, was it?). It's amazing how energetic some older people still are, dancing until 7 o'clock in the morning.
Oh, and I actually managed for the first time to eat the 12 grapes of luck before the clock struck 12 times.

I was lucky on Thursday as well. I got up in the morning to look at the weather and snow report of the San Isidro area, and saw that it was going to be a sunny day and that the ski slopes were in a perfect condition. So I was able to go skiing and had a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Just letting you know I found you from blogexplosion. Stop by my blog sometime:

Suzanne said...

I also surfed in from BE, but stayed longer than 30 seconds! I loved your love story...I wish you both all the happiness in the world, and i'm glad you left Belgium. It's so cold and rainy there! I moved to Mol, Belgium and worked at the Nike distribution center. My son was even born there! After 10 years, i'm back in the USA and the warm sunshine! It's a very small world isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hehe, las 12 uvas. Ik hoop dat ik dat ook ooit nog eens kan proberen. Als het ooit zo ver is, zal ik u eens bellen zodat ge mij een paar tips kunt geven ;)


Dioniso said...

I lived in Geel (next to Mol) for 6 years, because I was studying there. So I know very well where the Nike distribution center is. And yes, I'm glad I left that cold and rainy country.

De spanjaarden nemen hun 12 druiven erg serieus. Het is wel grappig. Ze gaan zelfs zo ver dat ze hun druiven pellen en de pitten verwijderen, om ze zo sneller te kunnen eten. Nu beginnen ze in de supermarkten zelfs gepelde en ontpitte druiven te verkopen rond de kerstdagen.

NiteOwl, I'll stop by at the BoB awards.