Monday, June 27, 2005

Description of a weekend

Visiting Ikea has one disadvantage: You always buy more than what you were planning to buy.
On Friday evening, we decided to visit the recently opened Ikea shop in Asturias, because we had set our eye on a little side table that would fit perfectly into our living room interior.
Almost two hours later, we left Ikea with the table and: a plant, a lamp, bed sheets, table decorations, a cooking alarm clock and a carpet.
We're going to have to prevent visiting Ikea again for a while.
It was already late, and on our way home, we stopped at the Mexican restaurant 'cantina mariachi' for dinner.

On Saturday, we cleaned the apartment, constructed our Ikea table and lamp and looked for a space for the other things we bought.
After that we drove to our favourite mall to check out the pre-sales offers that were already going on there.
We decided to try out the new Foster's Hollywood restaurant for dinner, had a 'plate of everything for two' and ate way too much.
It had been years since I had eaten ribs for the last time.

on Sunday morning, we went over to Mónica's parents for lunch and visited the medieval market of Candás in the afternoon. On this market, people in traditional clothing were selling handmade objects and demonstrating ancient habits.

Back home, our pet fish needed fresh water. While pouring the water out of the fish tank, it slipped out of my hands and broke. Normally, I'm not very clumsy. But after work I'll have to go buy a new house for our 2 little swimmers.

(My pictures on Flickr)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm never able to leave ikea with just the things I had in mind buying

mmm mexican food and ribs. yummy