Friday, June 24, 2005

Thank god it's friday

I've been quite busy at work the last couple of days. Therefor I wasn't able to post on monday and thursday.
Clients who need a program urgently but don't have a clue about how they want the program to work, are the worst.

We didn't make it to the San Juan celebrations last night. We were both tired, and Mónica had to get up early today. Better luck next year, when the 23rd of June will be on a friday.

I'm off to enjoy the weekend. We're having bad luck with the weather though. The forecasts say it's going to rain all weekend.
Have fun!

1 comment:

amiethinggoes said...

i hope u and ur colleague will kiss and make up soon (uh not literally of course)!

hey aren't u back yet from ur weekend?