Monday, December 20, 2004

Does Santa even know I moved to Spain?

Do you ever want to buy something, even when you know you don't really need it?
I want to buy myself a new computer, although I know I don't really need it.
I have a computer, and it has never ever let me down. But it's getting old and slow, and it is starting to show some annoying defects. I don't have much time to use it, and it still does everything I need it to do, but...
If computers weren't that expensive, I wouldn't have a problem. But it bothers me to spend that amount of money on something I don't really need, now that I finally managed to save some money.
I wish I had the same kind of luck as a colleague of mine.
Two weeks ago, on Saturday morning, he was awakened by the sound of his doorbell. When he opened the door, all he saw was a big, heavy box. He checked the elevator and the stairs, but there was nobody there. He thought it was a joke, opened the box, and found a 42 inch flat plasma television. Price of the television: 3000 euros (4000 Dollars).
2 weeks later, he still doesn't know where the tv came from.


Dioniso said...

Last time I checked I wasn't a bot.
See you around.

amiethinggoes said...

i think it was delivered to the wrong door! i think that's my tv :)

Dioniso said...

yes, I already told him it was a joke, and that I was going to pick up my tv after work. But he didn't believe me.