Thursday, December 09, 2004

I had a great long weekend. Monday and Wednesday were 2 Spanish holidays, so on Tuesday I took a day off to have a longer weekend. We took advantage of the free days to go shopping for Christmas decorations and to clean and decorate the apartment.

On Saturday, we went to see the IMAX 3D version of the movie "The Polar Express". The glasses we had to put on to see the 3D images did look a little ridiculous, but the effect was spectacular, leading to people trying to catch snowflakes in the theater.
The movie was great, but I think you should really see it in IMAX 3D to be able to fully enjoy it. More movies should be made like this.

And on Tuesday we saw "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I had read so many good reviews about this movie on the internet movie database, and was very curious to see it. But I didn’t like it at all.
The characters lack depth, there is no chemistry at all between the leading couple, and the character played by Kate Winslet is so annoying that Joel should be happy to erase her from his memory. We never see any moment of happiness in the relationship of the leading characters. The part of the movie when Joel's mind is being erased is filled with absurd images of Joel trying to hang on to his memories and doesn't add anything to the story.
And on top of it all, they tried to add some reverse-order storytelling to the movie, which only works disorienting.
I know there are many people who love this movie, but I don't have any idea why.

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